Resposta ao filme: NO WAY BACK: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care (Sem retorno: a realidade dos cuidados de afirmação de gênero)

Última atualização em abril 29th, 2024 e 01:44 pm

Increasingly, European nations are adopting a more cautious approach to gender-affirming care among minors. In March, for example, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board announced it would revise its current clinical recommendations with respect to ?gender-affirming care? for minors. The updated guidelines would restrict the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and transition-related surgery to clinical research settings. Norway joins other European nations, such as Finland, Sweden and the U.K., in introducing limits on the provision of gender-affirming care to minors.

Increasing Number Of European Nations Adopt A More Cautious Approach To Gender-Affirming Care Among Minors, Forbes

This review was removed from Letterboxd by a moderator. The email exchange about this removal is posted below.

Avaliação: 3 de 5.

It’s not great filmmaking, but it’s essential viewing, especially for those of us who are gay and on the left, because it provides an evidence-based alternative narrative to the one that the trans politburo is using to control US discourse on gender. Every time I encounter GLAAD’s propagandistic and nonsensical slogan ? the science is settled ? I’m furious all over again. (But then I never liked GLAAD anyway.)

One banner from a rally really got to me: Stop telling [gender non-conforming] gay boys they have to be trans.

It’s bad enough that we’ve lost so many gay men to HIV/AIDS, but now we’re losing even more, and much younger, to a regressive and increasingly homophobic gender ideology.


  • thenerdyangel   I’m going to add this one to my watchlist. The social pressure that is put on young boys and man about which behaviors is expected of them is very strong, but it’s also worrying to see the pressure that is put on young gay teens or on boys who have behaviors that are allegedly more “feminine” than “masculine”. I feel sometimes like all this pressure can just increase the pain and the suffering that can come with body dysphoria. Hey, you can be a boy even if you like dancing or you like flashy colors! Boys can be sensitive… Boys can like arts….
  • Luke   the last paragraph of your review is the most disgusting thing I’ve heard in a while. shut the hell up.
  • Rick Powell  @Luke No.
  • Rick Powell  @thenerdyangelIt’s even worse for girls and young women. Lesbians are “non-men” now. This shit has to be fought against.
  • Alethia St. Joan   What a load of horse shit. 🖕🏻🏳️‍⚧️
  • Alethia St. Joan   Oh and fuck you
  • Rick Powell   @Alethia Y’all come back now, ya hear?
  • Romeo   to use gay men who died via aids, to side with the same people who let them die/would have let them diedis a choice…
  • Rick Powell  @Romeo The same people? You mean people like me who were in ACT UP and fought cops in the street? Watched our friends die? Those people? Lecture me about AIDS activism when you grow up, OK? You can believe that everyone opposed to gender ideology is on the right, but you would be wrong. There is a much stronger case against it from the left. Some major tenets of gender extremism are not progressive ? they are neo-misogynist and homophobic. Gender-affirming care for children is a disguised pogrom against gay, lesbian, and bisexual kids simply growing up to be normal gay adults. There was a running joke among the staff at Tavistock, the recently and properly closed gender clinic in the UK: Soon there will be no gay people left. That’s not funny to me. It’s deadly serious.
  • Alethia St. Joan   3 mind numbingly stupid paragraphs when ?I?m a disgusting bigot? would have sufficed.
  • Romeo   you can’t claim to be part of “the left” and adore alt right properganda made by people who spit on people like you. the same people who made this, the straights behind it all, cause let’s be real it’s made by a political machine trying to distract us from the issues they cause, don’t care about you, they don’t care about the cis gay man, they wait you gone just like me.
    the “evil trans” or whatever sub human category y’all wanna put us in.
  • thenerdyangel    @Rick what you just wrote makes me think of the movie Joyland that I’ve watched recently.In Pakistan, the main character is in love with a trans woman. The trans woman is kinda “accepted”. Or, well, let’s say tolerated.But when the main character acts in a way that is “too gay”, he is violently rejected even by the trans woman. That doesn’t pass at all in Pakistan. So, if a man is attracted by other man, the only for him over there to have some form of acceptance is to change and be a woman instead.From what I understand, you feel that we are seeing more and more this way of thinking, which comes from a very conservative society.On the other side, gender dysphoria does exist, and we need to be supportive of the people going through it, but the statistics emerging from the past years show a sudden huge increase and just don’t make any sense.All this is quite emotional for a lot of people, as we see with the strong reactions that you’ve got. There are lots of attacks against the LGBTQ community right now, and the trans community is particularly under huge pressure. We are going through difficult times.

Replies are disabled for this review because it has been removed by a moderator.

I sent an email to Letterboxd asking why the review was removed, knowing exactly what kind of response I would receive. Here it is:

Max (Letterboxd)

Jun 23, 2023, 8:39?PM EDT

Hi Rick,

Sure, I’ll quote some lines from our Terms of Use for you.

Item 5: Conduct: “You must not use the Service to promote, engage in or incite hate, violence, discrimination or intolerance, including based on race, age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or other protected attribute. We reserve the right to remove content that has the potential to harm communities we consider worthy of protection.”

Item 8: Removal of content: “We reserve the right to remove any content posted to the Service that we consider (in our absolute discretion) to be offensive, objectionable, unlawful, explicit, graphic or otherwise in breach of these Terms… We reserve the right to remove any content posted to the Service that disseminates misinformation and its related manipulations…”

Our moderators found your review and the comments you wrote underneath it to be intolerant and misinformed. We believe such ideologies put trans people (and trans children) in real-life danger of violence, suicide, and losing their rights. While we can’t prevent the existence of hateful films, we consider the trans community worthy of protection and will continue to remove any instances of transphobia that we discover.

Please consider this email your first official warning.

Letterboxd Crew

For your consideration, No Way Back. Watch it and see yourself. Is this a hateful film? What do you think?

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