Nota sul film: Chris & Don: una storia d'amore

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Ultimo aggiornamento il Agosto 28th, 2024 al 01:44 pm

Chris e Don: una storia d'amore
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Directed by Tina Mascara and Guido Santi
USA, 2007

Mi è piaciuto molto questo documentario struggente, anche se forse troppo riverente, sul rapporto tra il disegnatore americano Don Bachardy e lo scrittore Christopher Isherwoodanche per la sua dimostrazione del potere duraturo e trasformativo del desiderio e dell'arte. (Bachardy disegnò notoriamente ritratti a inchiostro di Isherwood ogni giorno per le ultime settimane della sua vita, fino alla morte di Isherwood per cancro alla prostata nel gennaio 1986, dopo quasi 30 anni insieme). Ma soprattutto, queste due vite intrecciate mostrano come il desiderio e l'arte facciano richieste simili a chi si impegna in essi.

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The pair also seemed to demonstrate the superiority of the Platonic ideal?Bachardy was 30 years Isherwood’s junior, became an artist in his own right under Isherwood’s tutelage, and, I suppose not coincidentally, remained a dish his entire life. I was also inspired by the fact that, not only were Isherwood and Bachardy open about their sexuality in a Hollywood full of closeted, bearded gay men that hated the flaunting of such freedom at the time, but they were open about their open, cross-generational relationship.

The filmmakers were lucky to be able to draw on a trove of selfies shot by the lovers in 16 and 8mm film, still photography, video, and of course, the paintings and drawings of Bachardy himself. Supplemented by animation that mimics the sentimental and childlike cartoons the pair would draw for each other as well as vintage-looking filmed re-creations as interludes and illustrations for Michael York’s voiceovers reading Isherwood’s Cristoforo e i suoi simili, this is far from being a talking-heads doc ? although the talking heads aren’t bad, particularly a rather regal Leslie Caron, who knew the pair from the beginning.

Caron would probably agree with me that they don’t make gay men like this anymore.

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Se un film non viene trasmesso, dona.
