Film gay completo gratis su Vimeo: Cathedral (Ronald Chase, 1971) USA

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Directed by Ronald Chase
10 mins, USA, 1971

Cathedral was another film thought to have been lost for almost 50 years. Found in the spring of 2019, it has be restored in HD.

It is one of the earliest of the gay films after Stonewall, and one that refused to see touch, affection, and sensuality only in pornographic terms. The films final scenes use footage filmed in the St. Chapel, Paris, and connect the sensual with the spiritual. The patterns of movement and the inter-cutting align the film to dance.

Ronald Chase website

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January 23, 2024 3:12 PM

Wow, è incredibile, assolutamente sconvolgente. Sono felice di aver trovato questo sito, è un tesoro. Avete qualche film di Pat Rocco? Oppure, uno che sono particolarmente ansioso di trovare, "Possession du condamné" di d'Albert-André Lheureux, del 1967?

Cosa ne pensi?x

Se un film non viene trasmesso, dona.
