Dernière mise à jour le août 29th, 2024 à 07:11 am
Lucky Blue
Réalisé par Håkon Liu
Suède, 2007
I’m not sure how many times I’ve watched this little film ? enough that it would be embarrassing to count ? but I do find it comforting to a degree disproportionate perhaps to its artistic accomplishments, although those aren’t meager. It might be because young Tobias Bengtsson as Olle, the sensitive and shy main character, looks so much like le premier amour de ma vie.
Related to that sense of teary nostalgia, my abiding affection for this film also has to do with its unabashed, cornball sentimentality, expressed by the karaoke event, and a specifically awkward and vulnerable yet weighty performance of une chanson particulièrement ringarde in English, that structures everything else that happens over the course of a few days in a summer camp in Sweden, and by the eponymous parakeet that escapes but finds her way back at just the right moment.
The corniness is mitigated considerably by the expressive, dreamy cinematography by Sophia Olsson and the understated performances directed by Håkon Liu. I’m not afraid to call those performances, the mise-en-scène and milieu, authentic, either.
Quand Olle pleure sur les sentiments qu'il éprouve pour Kevin, le petit nouveau de la ville, et qu'il a l'impression d'avoir reçu un coup de poing dans le ventre, un peu sans raison, avant même que je me rende compte qu'il pleurait, cela me permet de me rappeler à quel point les émotions d'un adolescent peuvent mettre le bazar dans des choses qui sont en fait assez simples, et à quel point, à certains moments, et pas seulement dans les moments les plus bas, je me sens encore adolescente, surtout quand l'amour ou la luxure me poussent à l'impuissance.
When the two boys, who will eventually be lovers, we know, but off-screen and a little ways past the film’s 28-minute time limit, as they fumble with electric cables and end up turning on all the lights, all at once, on the karaoke stage? that’s the film’s clearest moment, its most expressive and its least nostalgic. Kevin says, Did we do that? and Olle replies, Yeah. Just yeah.
Not to say that’s it’s such a big deal, but to say: what else did you expect, when we get together?