The real Supergirl

Art Factory Hostel in Buenos Aires, where I met, and still meet, all kinds of cool folks, presents DVDs on their rooftop terrace every Wednesday. Tonight’s, uh, idiosyncratic selection, chosen by pansexual sexpot receptionist Julia, is Supergirl.

Don’t ask me. I have no idea. Maybe Supergirl has accrued some sort of ironic, hip cachet here in Argentina. Who knows?

I like Helen Slater, but this is the movie where she played the real Supergirl. It’s really, really 80s, I know, but in a good way. If it’s not a lesbian cult hit, it should be. But it’s not even on DVD! What a shame.

When you’re seventeen, people think they can do anything to you. Billie Jean is about to prove them wrong.

The last thing she ever expected was to become a hero.

If they’d shown that, and then Over the Edge , it would have been a perfect night.

Over on Amazon, The Legend of Billie Jean is going for as high as $190! WTF? The seller claims it’s not a bootlegged copy. And it’s VHS.

I like it, but I don’t think it’s worth almost 200 bucks.

Download the torrent here.

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