997+ Free Gay-Themed Movies on YouTube

Tip me at least 4 bucks and download any one movie for free.

In recent years, the representation of LGBT characters in movies has increased significantly. From heart-wrenching dramas to swoon-worthy romances, there’s a diverse range of films that showcase the lives and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. And the best part? Many of these movies are available to stream for free!

Looking for more free streaming gay movies?

Whether you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community looking for representation and relatable stories or an ally wanting to broaden your horizons, there’s never been a better time to explore the wonderful world of LGBT cinema.

👀 Download thousands of gay-themed 🏳️‍🌈 movies 🍿 for as little as $20 USD per year. Donate here. 🔗

With this playlist, we’ll take you on a journey through some of the best LGBT movies that you can stream for free right now. Get ready to laugh, cry, and fall in love with these incredible films that celebrate diversity and inclusivity.

Note: For non-English-language videos, you might have to click the CC button to see the subtitles.

Note: if you see a “deleted video” message and broken image icon, that means that the original uploader on YouTube has deleted the video. There’s nothing I can do about that. I remove these videos from the playlist when I see them, about once a week. That, in and of itself, requires about 30 minutes of work. I think that just might deserve a thank you or two, don’t you?

Want free stuff? CLICK HERE

Leave a comment on the blog, on any post, and you’ll be given free, instant access to my massive collection of gay-themed features, shorts, and TV episodes. The password is my favorite recent gay short.

Make a donation and you’ll be given access to my gay porn collection and my collection of favorite art films and more. I’ll also fulfill your requests, if I can.

Please note, however, that only the first comment will automatically redirect to reveal the link. So, find a post with no comments. Or donate.

Alternatively, you can follow me on Twitter; say hi; and then I’ll DM you the link.

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janeiro 2, 2024 8:40 PM

Je viens de découvrir ce site qui est vraiment super et j’aimerais beaucoup avoir accès à ta collection de film. Merci d’avance et surtout heureuse nouvelle année 2024.

agosto 11, 2023 11:55 AM

There are way too many foreign videos. Some of them have English names but when you click on the video it’s in a different language. I don’t want to read subtitles. Plus I sure hope you can come up with a way to Bookmark. The ones I do watch are great. Thanks for posting

junho 9, 2023 6:56 AM

Is there a way you could put all new ones each week at the beginning? And have you come up with a way of bookmarking? These are really good and thanks much for posting them.

março 22, 2023 7:49 AM

Can you please make it possible to fast forward to the last page where you had to leave off last time. It just sits there and will not move past a certain page. It would be very helpful. Thanks

Reply to  The Cinesexual
março 27, 2023 1:46 PM

O.K. Thanks. What is happening is if I end today on pg 7 and want to start on pg8 tomorrow you have to page thru 1-7 again and sometimes it just locks up on a page and you can’ go forward. I wonder if anyone else has had this happen. Thanks again

Reply to  The Cinesexual
abril 16, 2023 9:52 AM

I’m desktop. It would be great if when you leave off on say page 20 and want to begin on 21 you could but you have to page thru all and that’s where my computer locks up. Can you put all new ones at the beginning? Also, I did not know about the other site but will look at it. I love these videos but so many are in a foreign language. Thanks much

abril 28, 2022 1:34 PM

Great stuff!

agosto 19, 2021 2:44 PM

Thanks for putting in the effort to create this collection.

julho 26, 2021 8:31 AM

hi, Just found your blog . what a great collection. can you also bless me with the link of your personal collection of GTM please? Thanks in advance.

junho 30, 2021 9:56 PM

I am impressed with your collection of short gay films. I thought I had seen all the short films available on youtube. I am not even through a few pages and there are several films that I have not seen. I have a gay short film obsession and thought I had seen everything available until I found this treasure trove of movies that I will be binging on.

Dissily Mordentroge
Dissily Mordentroge
maio 14, 2021 5:01 AM

And interesting collection with some real gems. Some of the short movies trigger my usual frustration of being left wondering ‘What the hell happened next’

Graham Douglas-Meyer
Graham Douglas-Meyer
maio 8, 2021 5:58 PM

Well done, this eclectic collection of short and feature movies provides a view of the many and varied life experiences of GLBTI people; heavy emphasis on the G.

GLBTI people have a long and productive history within the whole spectrum of occupations and families.

Thank you for proving a way to be able to access this substantial collection


Graham Douglas-Meyer
Graham Douglas-Meyer
Reply to  The Cinesexual
maio 9, 2021 6:05 PM

Thank you for your response Rick.

I tried to DM on Twitter but it won’t permit me to do so.

I would most certainly like to access your collection.

My Twitter addy is


Perhaps you might fair better than I have.

Kind regards

Dissily Mordentroge
Dissily Mordentroge
Reply to  Graham Douglas-Meyer
May 15, 2021 1:56 AM

Either I wasn’t re-directed or my geriatric muddle headedness got me lost.

What are your thoughts?x

If a movie doesn't stream, donate.
